If you’re a dog lover, then you probably want to make sure your pup has the best and most comfortable doghouse possible. But if you’ve ever tried shopping for a doghouse, then you know there are lots of options. With so many choices, it can be difficult to decide which one is best for your pup. That’s why we’ve put together this guide – to help dog owners determine the best spot for their doghouse.

Choose an Accessible Spot
When picking out a spot for your pup’s doghouse, try to pick an area that is easily accessible. Choose a location that gives your dog easy access in and out of the house while also providing plenty of ventilation and sunlight. It should also be close enough that they can still keep an eye on what is going on around them. But not too close where they feel threatened or exposed.

Make Sure it's Level
The ground beneath your pup’s doghouse should always be level and even, as this will ensure that the house remains stable and secure at all times. Also, avoid placing the house on any kind of incline as this could lead to water pooling under or inside the doghouse during wet weather conditions. A stable foundation will also prevent flooding from occurring inside the house during heavy rains or snowstorms.

Look Out for Shade & Sunlight
It's important to make sure that your pup’s doghouse gets plenty of shade during hot summer months but also allows for enough sunlight during cold winter months. You want them to have plenty of protection from both extreme temperatures so that they remain comfortable year round in their new home!

Think About Drainage
Wherever you decide to place your dog's house, make sure there is adequate drainage around it so that any excess water can run away easily instead of pooling up around it and seeping into their home through cracks or crevices. You may need to add some gravel or stones around the perimeter of the house in order to create better drainage and keep moisture away from it as much as possible.

   Now that you know all the factors to consider when picking the perfect spot for your pup’s doghouse, it’s time to get hunting! Keep these tips in mind and you and your furry friend will be sure to find the perfect home in no time. And if you’re still stuck, never fear! We’ve done the hard work for you and put together a list of our top picks for where to buy a dog house. So what are you waiting for? Get shopping!